This was the island as we got it - with a little addition or two from Scottish Hawker and a more feeble attempt from myself. Scottish hawker had flagged up that he thought the shape of the island was changing and wondered if our partners rm* were being creative - but we then thought maybe we were all just imagining things. All was fine as I mosied around one weekend; playing around with the time of day, practising hovering, sitting on objects, making my own bits and pieces - here's a few shots of this:

These were my first attempts at building - easy/ready made things; you just go into the tools, select an object shape then use your Second Life 'magic powers' to point and place it where ever you want! Then you can stretch it and move it around as you please. As you'll see, Scottish Hawker's powers are more sophisticated than mine! He also rendered some trees - as he has now got owner level rights (or has gone on AKA the owner!), he can actually create trees and grass and natural looking things that me and the others can't. Unfortunately, there's no images of the trees and grass as it happened a little after this and just before the sabotage happened that I'll blog about soon!

You can see Scottish hawker's great aeroplane like structure that he built on top of my easy to do box, and my less imaginative red object - it's strangely nice being there on your own and flying around.
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